Dear Father C
I wish you well Father and pray
and hope that you are keeping well

It is with some difficulty that Father
that I find myself writing this
letter to you Father.
I find I am in a dilemma Father.
I have sent you a letter Father
confirming that I would very
much like to to come and see you
Father on Saturday, 27th April
between 3.00pm and 8.00pm

I am very afraid to come Father.
I would like to be a Priest
Father but everything is against
me from becoming a Priest.
In my correspondence to you Father
there are certain facts about myself that I have
not mentioned to you Father.
I suffer from depression Father

// verso //

and have to take tablets every
day. I have also been in a
psychiatric hospital for some
long periods at a time.

I once told a Priest Father that
I would like to become a Priest.
He told me Father that with
my medical history and instability
no Bishop would accept me as
a candidate for the Priesthood.

I feel very unhappy writing
this letter to you Father C.
I want to have Father a more
deeper and loving relationship
with God.

I go to Mass Father not just for
myself but for those who do not
go to Mass Father

I hope that you will understand
Father and forgive me.

Yours sincerely,

// no name //